seph, wf Victoria T, wks Burgess Lab, r 14 N Park. 
ichael, wks Burgess Lab, r 14 N Park. 
rman W, wf Agnes, contr, r 1141 Emerald. 
i J, wI Emma M, wks A Metz, r 1134 Emerald. 
erg Henry W, wf Emma F, fireman C & N W, r 7 N Franklin. 
4iss Edna, nurse M Sanitarium. 
in Franklin, farmer, rms 612 W Dayton. 
n Samuel, tailor 7122 University av, r 101 S Park. 
n Solomon, wf Frieda, tailor, 740 W Washington av, r 101 S Park. 
           A Uve Agency in a Live Town. 
Liebetrau Hilmar C, wi Anna, janitor U W, r 437 Lorch. 
tiebetrau Oscar, wf Minnie, foreman U W Farm, r 202 N Allen. 
Liess Hilbert. wf Sarah. indexer Revisor of Statutes r 731 E Johnson 
614 E Main. 
sa C, wks Gisholt Mach Co, r 614 E Main. 
Ila 1, fireman C M & St P, r 719 W  Washington av. 
, r 1 S Murray. 
{ose, lab, r I S Murray. 
rms 433 W Gilman. 
210 N Brooks. 
d Win, r 210 N Brooks. 
a, tchr Washington Sch, r 1025 Clymer pl. 
es sec U W, r Highlands. 
J, wf Agnes, salesman A E Smith, r 336 W Mifflin. 
John, r 207 W Gilman. 
r B1 Bellevue Apts. 
Anna, r 1917 E Johnson. 
older Gisholt Mach Co, r 1326 E Dayton. 
wf Cordella, janitor Gisholt Mach Co, r 1326 E Dayton. 
26 E Dayton. 
- Hokanson Auto Co. 
   all BUICK USERS that the BUICK ANTM00     Is seon.4 
   to none. Lot us prove that to yeo. 
16-20 L: DOTY ST. 