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JI C. IST, I... Ag             407"40   6ay BlDg.    Phene 131 
                 MADISON CITY DIRECTORY                      385 
tesRev Cora    F, wf Lille, pastor ImaulEvang Lath Chrc, r 511 
S IngersolL 
rter Mis Delia, r 138 S Blair. 
ter Mis Frncs r 138 S Blair. 
ter Jacob, wf Lucy, foreman C & N W, r 138 S Blair. 
ter John, r 138 S Blair. 
ter Miss Myrtle, pressfdr Blied Ptg Co, r 138 S Blair. 
tin Miss Agnes, stenog Capitol. 
,tin. Carl, wks Burgess Lab, rms 507 State. 
tin Carter H, w-ks State Journal, r 222 Langdon. 
-tin Clarence A, wks State Journal, r 222 Langdon. 
.tin Mrs Cora, nurse, rms 1116 E Johnson. 
ti Mis Ella, r 1118 W Johnson. 
,tin Eugene E, wks M Kipp Lub Co, r 413 W Dayton. 
tin Ferdinand, carp 3 H Findorif, r 302 W Main. 
tin Frank S, wf Louise, wks J Gallagher, r 526 W Main. 
tin George S, wf Leonore, corn tray, r G 1 Bellevue Apts. 
tin Mis Georgia M, asnt registrar U W, r 1118 W Johnson. 
   .,0nA. FORWARD OIL DO, 
ompany.                    121 E. Washington Ave. 
.tin M4s Haze I, tchr, r 222 Lagdon. 
tin Mls Helen A, r 219 Clifford ct. 
ti Hugh E, wf Margaret E, optician, r 222 Langdon. 
.tin Miss Jane E, r 413 W Dayton. 
tin Miss Janette N, pressfdr Cantwell Ptg Co, r 1328 E Wilson. 
.tin John, wf Lena wks Fuller & Johnson, r 1007 E Mifflin. 
tin John C, wf Mary, r 1021 Erin. 
tin Kate, wid F W, r 515 E Washington av. 
tin I~,awrence, wi Florence, tchr U W, r 2011 Chadbourne av. 
tin Mr Lena, wks Lorillard Co, r 1007 E Mufflin. 
tin L~st~r, corn tray, rms 449 W Johnson. 
tin Led 3, printer State Journal, r 413 W Dayton. 
tin Miss Mae L, clk Woolworth Co, r 413 W   Daytn. 
tin Mis  Margaret T, stenog Clarke Pub Co, r 413 W Dato. 
,tin Mark F, waiter Cop's Cafe, s 101 W Wilson. 
tin Mar, wid Edgar E, r 413 W Dayton. 
tin Minnie, wid .Fe, r 1125 Tenifer. 
tin Mis Ruth Ak r 222 Langdon. 
.tin Thoore W, restaurant 1218 Williason, r 1328 E Wilson. 
tin Thomas, U S Army, r 222 Langdon. 
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