SMADISON CITY DIRECTORY                               605 
r Harry, wf-Mary, firean ;C & NW, r 1239 E Johalsohi. 
r Hazeltine, wid Rolly, grocer 648 Wililamson, r same. 
r Henry C, chauffeur, r 64)2 S~ Dickinson. 
r 3 Charles. asst U W, r 1530 University aw. 
r Laura E, wid Robert, r 1229 E Johnson. 
r Miss Laura M, elk Fish & Schulkiamp, r 1724 Regent. 
r Maggie, wid Wm G, r 60)2 Dickinson. 
r Raymond L, r 111 N Hamilton. 
r R Arlo, wf Mary, tchr M High Sch, "r 203 N Pinckney.* 
KEBR SAMUEL T, wf Anna, treas and asst sec Stondall-Toftoy Co. pres 
National Concrete Machinery Go, r 1938 Rowley a. 
r Miss Susan L, r 1724 Regent. 
r Mass 8 Ella, stenog Dane County Tatle Co, r 1724 Regent. 
r Theodore, wf Hazel, wks Gisholt Mach Co, r 2015 Sherman av. 
rWalter G, wf Josephine, driver Am Exp Go, r 19 S Blair. 
r Walton, r 111 Emerson (S M). 
r Win, wf Hannah, r 1724 Regent. 
(see also WahI). 
'Iommedieu & Casser Agency 
*o MAIN S1.                                       PRONE 925 
Joseph, wf Elizabeth L, painter Gisholt Mach Co, r 1111 E Mifflin, 
Thomas, wf Edith, fireman Gas Co, r 139 S Hancock. 
ce (see also Wallis). 
ce Catherine F, wid Frank, r 513 5 Brooks. 
ceCleo E, molder S Wis Fndry, r 1151 E Mifihin. 
ce Francis J, tmnstr, r 513 S Brooks. 
ce Helen, wid E D, tchr U W, r 450 N Charter. 
ce Wells W, wf Emma, tmstr Conklin & Son, r 207½ N Frances. 
r (see also W'ahier). 
r Alfred W, wf Hannah, tmstr Conklin & Sons, r 11 S 4th. 
r C Win, wf Alice, math Steinle T M Co, r 2135 E Washington av, 
er Fred C, wf Adeline M, painter, r 128 N Charter. 
r Paul E, wf Myrtle R, moach Fuller & Johnson, r 1432 Williamson. 
r Theodore A, wf Sarah H, cashier Wis Fndry & M Co, r 1011 W Wash- 
ington av. 
sntine (se Ballantyne also Valentine). 
entine Axel, foreman Scanlan-Morris, rms 24 E Wilson. 
in John A, wf Rose, brakeman, r 945½ Williamson. 
as (see also Wallace). 
is Ernest C, wi Bertha, carp Gisholt Mach Co. r 517 La Follette av. 
retsng is not waste.       The    oplarit    of our Thr 
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