MADISON CITY DIRECTORY                    533 
t MiSS Gertrude, stenog Advance-unely, mis 30 S Franklin. 
tMis Margaret D, stenog Fauerbach Brg      o. rms 30 S Franklin. 
St Ma, wf Johanna M, painter at ry, r 506 Sonuners av. 
Miss Olive T, bkpr J W Kastner (Est), r 11 S Hancock. 
Wi F, wf Amelia, contr 312 E Main and supervisor 3d ward, r 11 S 
gJacob, wf Bertha, wks Gisholt Mach Co, r 1328 Wiillamson. 
IERS ARTHUR W', wf Bertha, director Madison Vocational Schools, r 
2027 Madison. 
tBee, wid Fred, r 909 Regent. 
t Miss Wilhelmina, nurse M Gen Hospital. 
E~RT REIHART E, wf Emma tE C Tetalaff Co), r 945 E Gotham. 
k~o Herlbert S, wf Florence E, lawyer 2 S Carroll, r 309 N Brooks. 
:ko John, wf Alice E, r 311 N Brooks. 
Alpha Epsilon, 627 N Lake. 
Chi, 630 N Lake. 
Nu, 625 N Henry. 
PhI, 106 N Prospect av. 
    IPPP       drink springf water--tb. puret 
               known. Ask your doctor.        WA        E 
ItBROS, SELL IT,                   Phones 561 and 1 231 
SAdelbert 0, wf Amanda E, masp M Kipp Lub Co, r 2429 Waubesa. 
.tDelbert G, wf Agnes (Sigrist & Barry), r 219 State. 
t& Barry (D G Sigrist G V Barry), billiards, 225 State: 
:e Michael J, wf Sophia N, moach Gisholt Mach Co, r 1671 E Main. 
,t John N, wf Della, opr C M & St P, r 425 Pond (S M). 
Miss Esther, nurse M Gen Hospital. 
angel Caroline, wid John J, r 608 E Gorham. 
angel Charles M, wf Mildred, eom tray, r 1616 Madison. 
Harold 0, r 729 E Gorham. 
Rev 0 0 Ueland, wf Ella L, pftstor Bethel Lutheran Ch, r 729 E Gor- 
Miss Pearl M, r 729 E Gorham. 
C Ray, vulcanizer Robinson's Garage, rms 221 E Johnson. 
mu'R, instr U W, r 803 State. 
(see also Seim). 
Edlend P, wf Julia, r 1221 Rutledge. 
al Rev Angelo, pastor St Joseph's R C Church (Italian), r 827 Chand- 
ons Mrs Esther, waitress Cardinal Hotel, rms 945 Williamson. 
mas Henry L, wf Phoebe, mach Steinle T M Co, r 2217 Ohio av. 
 Carpoo,_ P0~bn :and Maso 
tnr.suvuMIlE 41#