rues B, wf Lena, wk Horstmeyer-Fegsn        2NBar 
as P, wf Sophia M, carp, r 2004 Evergreen av. 
ass Johannab r 623 University av. 
han nab, wid Maurice, seamstress, r 628 University av. 
as Laura, nurse U W, r same. 
C, eng U S Forest Service. rms 1713 Cbadbourne av. 
isMarie, maid 635 N Frances. 
ils, wi Annine M, molder Gisholt Mach Co, r 607 La Follette av. 
casr, wf Gai C, shoes 614 State, r 422 Sidney. 
to(, WI Mary R, advt solcr Deocrat, r 508 Conklin p1. 
ul H, wf Johannah, cik New York Store, r 324 Dowet 
ter, car J H Findorif, r 2004 Everg-reen av. 
TO    W   WG, wI Katherine, dist mngr Wisconsin Accident a 
ith Insrance Co of Milwaukee 19 Fairchild Blk 29 E Mai, r 112 
     l                15I so good tht it requires mor than 
     V  mvi~lilw'ants.       s  f|or- "Di Jo' 
   ~PIPER BROS,, Agent. 
:gust, lab, rins 1040 Williamson. 
e als Jourde). 
ison, r 349 W Main. 
ra, wid L P, r 412 S Dickinson. 
0, wf Mar, wks Gas Co, r 349 WMin 
in, wks Heilmann, r 349 W Main. 
bert B, pharmacis Kundert & Steinle, r 229 W Gilman. 
oJordan als Jourdan). 
((AI[DE ]R, wi Shrida, propr Greig Furniture Co, r 210 Monon av 
LI1, wid Robert, r 208 N Murray. 
~s Pearl, r 208 N Murray. 
ass Viola, r 208 N Murray. 
(see also Jorgenson). 
LasH, wf Thea, wks Gisholt Mach Co, r 230     Division. 
arty, wf Gladys, instr U W, r 930 Clymer pL. 
.lter L, wf Louisa, moach Gishoit Mach 00, wins 116 W Gorham. 
rm F, math French Battery & C Co, wims 1014 Wilimsn 
)rge F, wf Irene, wks Gisholt Mach 0o, r 217 II Washigon ar. 
Lniy T, carp, rms 1706 Helena. 
DitaI Constructon Co