Imund, wf Mabel,slemnrSeleTMCr79Rgs 
gelne wid Stilas, r 620 W Washington av 
iabeth, wid E (G, r 224 W Washington av 
is Elzbeth, r 224 W Washinton av 
rold M, r 402 S Park 
isHriet, r 224 W Washington av 
rrison L, wf Mary P, treas and mngr University Co-Operative Co 
,r 822 W Dayton 
iner B, carrier P 0, r 620 W Washington ar 
ri, wf Sarah, r 211 N Murray 
ss Lillie M, bkpr Teckemeyer Candy Co, r 211 N Murray 
7ydM, U S Aryr 2llN Murray            * 
[yvin 5, WI Susie, wks Kleuter & Ce, r 402 S Park 
a, f Lucy, prof U W, r 1803 Vilas 
iwid Nathan B, housekpr Cardinal Hotel, r same 
rry, wf Rose, baker, rms 101 S Park 
FRED B (Garrett & Rund), and propr Garrett Studio, r 145 
   nlm|fl   Be on the sate side--always 
PE oAdri. Asprn youMIoEor 
RBOSE SELL IT.                 Phones $51 and 1231 
rs Nettle, r 119 S Lake 
Bs Nettle, maid 419 Sterling p1, r same 
STUDIO, F B Garrett propr, 19 W Main. 
& RIJUD, (F B Garrett, N B Ruud ), commercial photographers 19 
lisha E, wf Helen H, (E B Garrison & Co), r 16 Langdon 
B & Co, (Elish B Garrison), bonds 38-40 Tenney Bldg 108 FlMi 
:iss Helen 8, r 16 Langdon 
a A, moach Gisholt Mach Ce, rms 1331 Spalght 
ilter A, wks Gay Bros, r 719 University av 
n, vulcanizer C C Rubber Tire Wks, r 1210 Jeniifer 
Clarence E, wf Adele M, moach Gisholt Mach Co. r 2220 Talmdg 
Samuel, painter Steinle T M Co, r 2320 Tlag 
ies R, field man Wisconsin Farmer, rms University Y M C A 
als Gerry )                                         . 
ge E, wf Elizabeth, mngr P Lorillard Co, r S818Popc p1 
aret wid Maurice, r 532 W Doty 
a, wf Josephine, press feeder Cantwell Pt Co, r 53 W Dt 
!, WI Regina I, r 29 W Dt 
ay, mngr Chicago & Northweser Oaf., r 40 N Henry 
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