;latoi Rheumatism, Enlarged Veins, Swelling In the Legs, Broken 
      Arches, Headaches and Constipation are easily cured by 
-red C. Sawdey, Chiropractor                  218 State    St. 
ightam Wm E, wf Elizabeth, eng C M & St P, r 418 W Main. 
lightam Wm E A, wf Amelia A, eng C M & St P, r 11 S Broom. 
[Rnde Bertrand, r 721 Atwood av. 
Linde Edward, warehouseman Moeblman Grain & P Co, rms 644 E Washing-

   ton av. 
Rnde Francis, rms 120 N Butler. 
linde Gerhardt, elk R Gershard, r 1978 Railroad. 
linde Hans, wt Hannah, carp, r 721 Atwood av. 
linde Miss Helen, r 721 Atwood av, 
linde H Norman, wf Ida A, agt Great Northern Life Ins Co and real estate

   407-408 Gay Bldg, 16 N Carroll, r 120 N Butler. 
Linde Miss Imelia J, r 120 N Butler. 
Linde Lars, wf Nora, wks Gisholt Mach Co, r 1229 E Dayton. 
Linde Lewis J, wf Anna, painter, r 1214 Spring. 
Linde Otto, U S Army, r 721 Atwood av. 
Linde Sjur H, wks Kleuter Bros, r 120 N Butler. 
Linde Stephen, U S Army, r 721 Atwood av. 
Linde S Olin, rms 120 N Butler. 
Linde Mrs Theresa, housekpr A H Feely, r 126½ State. 
linger Miss Jean M, stenog, r 441 N Baldwin. 
5uccoss Shorthand School 
  Phne 8a                                   14 S~c..h CarllS 
  INIDVIDUAL                                     ENROLL 
NSTRUCTION                                     ANY TIME