Gerhard mac   Glsholt Mach Co, r Miwuee 1.t a of C M & St P. 
Mis Gertrude E, asat prof U W', r 221. N Brooks 
GiIhrt wI Susan, wks French Battery & C Co. r rear 1936 Ralod 
Gustav, truckinan U W, r 1205 W Johnson. 
Gustav, WI Mary, maon r 205 Buell. 
Gustave M, wI Effle M, painter, r 220 N Orchard. 
Harmon W, wf Ella M, corn tray, r 2102 West Lawn av'. 
HaryJ. wI Louise, ice cream mkr Mansfeld-Caughey-Co, r 401 3 
Miss Hazel T, elk Schinedeman & Co, r 614 B Mifflin. 
Miss Helen, techr Lowell Sch, r 2226 Dunning. 
Miss Helen B, stenag, rms 215 N Lake. 
)N HENRY, wI Augusta, State Treasurer, r 220 Lakesde (S N) 
Henry, wI Ida M, eng C M & St P, r 10 N Henry. 
Henry A, fireman C M & StPF, ni 1426 Williamson. 
H~enry C, wI Mary I, wks A D & J V Frederickson, r 113 W Dory~. 
Hlerbert G, wks M Klpp Lub Co, r 206 Buell 
       Chiropractic for Women 
.men are subject to pan and suffering during menstual periods 
    Chiropractio adustments will aorreo the cause. 
                 --Lady Attendeht- 
Sawdley, Chiropratotr                            216 State St. 
H-jalmer G, WI Amelia 0, moaclh L F Schoelkopf, r 1027 B Qoram. 
)N HOBART 8, wf Elizabeth H, v-pres Gisholt Machine Co and Ful- 
& Johnson Manufacturing Co, r 130 E Gorham. 
Horace S, WI Hannah M, wks French Battery & C Ce, r 2254 Division. 
Miss Ida, wks Hodgin & Cleveland, rms 144 E Wilson. 
Isadora, wid J A, r 928 Jenhfer. 
Iver I, wf Bertha, mason, r 420 Cantwell ct. 
James, WI Dorothy, asst prof U W, r 1916 Regent. 
Jerome, r717 Orton ct. 
Miss Jessie, bkpr Fuller & Johnson, r 616 E Washingtn ai'. * 
John A, WI Agnes, bkpr Mansfleld-Caughey. r 1223 Jenifer. 
John A, wf Julia M, foreman Wis Tel Co, r 107 N Butler. 
John B. wf Isabella, r 414 Pine (S N). 
John C, r 20 S Butler. 
John L, WI Martha, steamftr Mueller Co, r 804 Willard av. 
John P, engM Steam Lndry, rms 324 N Charter. 
Jorgen, foreman M Plow Co, r 1937 E Washingtn av. 
Joseph A, toktrclk C & N W, rms 210 N Hamilton. 
Julin, wid Ole, r 228 Atwood av. 
Miss Julia. trimmer Kornhauser Co, ring 21 N Hamlton.