Edward Williams eec, 323-24 Gay Bldg 
IRB A Kiekhoefer see, 208--2d fl s 
1TEAMNR        (Wisconsin Department 
n Berlin pres, Dr T H Ferguson sec-treas 
ag Capitol. 
nckney and carroll. 
ION, James Nevin chairman, R S Scbei- 
BEERING, John G D Mack chief eng, 2d ii 
'RTRMNT FUND, R E Loveland 
g, 119 E Washington av. 
T, Hon Emanuel L Philipp governor, 116 
(Wisconsin Department of Agriculture), 
r &         trage Co. 
ug A Secialty 
    301-31. Wilson.S 
4IOMTSQ, 3 E Kernan Superior, R 
[nnon Superior sec. 
WSIOSN TH[E, W K .Coffin pres, M 
rhe W-isconin Historical Library, 816 
tinting Co pubs 117-123 S Jarroll. 
Eticbard Lloyd Jones pres, Amy Comstock 
itate Journal, bok and Job printers and 
Smith mngr, farm lands, 17-19 Marston 
;OAR]D (Wisconsin Department of Agri- 
Lan, 0 H Eliason seec, ground fila wing 
umenfeld pres, groun  flawn Capitol. 
3 Nash revisor, 412 4th fle wing Capi- 
IlN, Meri Hl, 1st fl w wing capitol. 