MADISON CIT   DIRECTORY                    463 
Iti Miss Lena, wks U W, r 1315 Chandler. 
iti Mello, r 1316 Chandler. 
fie Dewitt C, r 131 E Johnson. 
le Miss Matilda M, stenog B 3 Fisher, r 419 State. 
reLeon B, wI Helen M, agt Pennsylvania Co, r 17 S Hancock. 
re Richard H, wi Emma M, printer Cantwell Ptg Co, r 204 W Mufn. 
oHen ry, driver M L NelSon, r 853 E Johnson. 
oe Henry L, wf Dora, wks (lisholt Mach Co, r 853 B Johnson. 
oMiss Minnie H, library asst U W, r 853 E Johnson. 
oe Rudolph C, elk 1st Nat Bank, r 853 B Johnson. 
eWm H, mngr C F Jordan, r 853 E Johnson. 
* oh Wm F, wf Fannie, sheet metal wiks 2015 Winnebago, r 401 Lakeland av.

tArthur Land & Development Co, J W Groves pres, A B Groves sec, C H 
Tenney tress 16 Bd of Commerce Bldg 111 S Hamilton. 
ter Miss Anna, cashier M W Keeley, r 1138 Sherman av. 
ter George, baggageman C & N W, rms 123 B Wilson. 
ter La Fayette, wf Alba, rms 310 State. 
t er Lee F, wI Carolyn. se Stte Capitol Corn, r outside city. 
T. last word in modern up-to-date protection 
;ter Marcus D wI Elba, r 210 State. 
icer Mrs Nettle H, r 15 W Glinan. 
ter Orville B, Wf Dora, chik Capitol, r 206 N Murray. 
LVUER PHILIP H, wf Ruth (Porter & Lewis), r 1038 Spaigbt. 
RTER & LEWIS (P H Porter, R D Lewis), lawyers 413-416 Pioneer Bik, 
  166 Monona ay. 
avitz MLartin, wf Mary, wks Gisholt Mach Co, r 1310 Will~asn. 
rook Harry, junk, rms 748 W Washington av. 
tAdolph, brakeman C & N W, r 624 E Mifflin. 
it August G, wks Burgess Lab, r 624 B Mifflin. 
wt Miss Beulah, tchr, r 206 E Muffin. 
t Charles, wf Genevieve, carp, r 1724 Madison. 
tMiss Dorothy, chik Hollister Lab, r 426 W Gilman. 
Jt Edward M, shoemkr, 616 W Johnson, r same. 
&George L, wf Elizabeth, (Schultz & Post), r 624 E MufftIn. 
SMiss Gladys M, opr Wis Tel Co, r 426 W Gilman. 
tJohn L, wf Lily, photog G W Hoffman, r 426 W Gilmn 
I Miss Julia H, r 1724 Madison. 
It Lemuel M, wf Sarah, chl mech U W, r 533 W J0nsn. 
I Lttie B, wid M F, r 266 B Miffhin, 
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ani aim                                       16-20 EL DOTY ST.