tees of the State of 
ers Insurance and Re. 
0 P Cary, president, 
George W Davies, N 
  O'Keefe, Madison; 
aukesha; R E Love- 
335-337 Washington 
Historical Society of Wiscon- 
K Coffin, Eau Claire, presi- 
oln Luchsinger, Monroe, vice 
At1 B F McMillan, McMillan; 
lessmer, Milwaukee; Win J 
'an Claire; John B Winslow, 
  M M Quaife, Madison, super- 
dustrial Commission of Wisconsin 
Hambrecht, chairman, Madison; 
I M Wilcox, Madison; T F Konop, 
ison; E E Witte, secretary, Madi- 
18 ground fl w wing Capitol. 
ate Printing Board--M F Blumen- 
  president; Gov E   L Philipp; 
and fl n wing Capitol. 
aiiroad Commission of Wisconsin 
nrl D Jackson, Madison, chairman; 
ry R Trumbower, Madison; John 
lien, Madison; Harold L Geisse, 
etary, 2nd fl n wing Capitol. 
)ard of Regents of Normal Schools 
  B  Nelson, president, Stevens 
A; Emmett Horan, vice president, 
  Claire; C  P  Cary, Madison; 
igh  Gates, Superior; Edward 
ipsey, Oshkosh; P    W   Ramer, 
er Falls; H 0 Hamilton, White- 
er; F W Rogers, Milwaukee, Dun- 
McGregor, Plattville; C S Van 
en, La   Crosse; Mrs Clara    T 
ge, Baraboo; Win Kittle, secre- 
  Henry Johnson, treasurer, lst 
  wing Capitol. 
isconsin Free Library Commission 
nil Baensch, Manitowoc, chair- 
  A L Kreutzer, Wausau; C P 
, Madison; M M Quaife, Madison; 
Van Hise, Madison; M S Dud- 
i, Madison, secretary, 2nd 1l n 
!onsin Free Library Commission 
lative Reference Department)- 
s McCarthy, librarian, 2nd ftn 
:onsin Tax Commission-Nils P 
ti, Madison; Thomas, E Lyons, 
in; Carroll Atwood, Madison- A 
  State of Wisconsin Land Depart- 
ment-Merlin Hull, secretary of state; 
Henry Johnson, state treasurer; Wal- 
ter C Owen, commissioners of the 
public lands; W   H   Bennett, chief 
clerk, ground fl e wing Capitol. 
  State Banking Department-A      E 
Kuolt, commissioner. 
Offices Post Office Bldg, 4 E Mifflin 
  Judge U S District Court-A L San- 
  Clerk of U S Court-F W Oakley. 
  U S Collector of Internal Revenue 
-Burt Williams. 
  Chief Deputy Collector-W N Wells. 
  U S Attorney-A C Wolfe. 
  Assistant Attorney-Arthur Mulber- 
  Marshal-Frank P O'Connor. 
  Chief Deputy Marshal-John F La- 
  Custodian U S Court House and 
Post Office Building-W A Devine. 
Post Office, 2-4 E. Miffin. 
   Hours-7:00 a m to 8.00 p m. 
   Postmaster-W A Devine. 
   Assistant-Xngwald Nelson. 
   Supt of Mails-J A Wirka. 
   Assistants-G M Lunde, Charles H 
  Money Order Cashier-J M Copp. 
  Stenographer-Elmo C Cooper. 
  Clerks-Edward L Chase, John P 
Cunnien, Theodore J Esser, Thomas A 
Gaffney, Norman B Groshong, Walter 
G Hahne, Joseph F Kaether, William C 
Kaether, Harry E Kiel, Matthew J 
Lavin Jr, E K McCurdy, William A 
A R Hirsh, 
W   Torkel- 
G D Mack, 
fl n wing