*MADISON CITY DIRECTORY                     4?'T 
leorge P, wf Josephine E, motorman st ry, r 209 Winnebago. 
Win, ms 1047 Sherman av. 
ernard H, wI Pauline, foreman Parkino      rlnr 541 W    Washln. 
tav.                    + 
las Elsa, r 144 S HancoCk. 
ihn C, wI Francisca, pass agent C N & St P and alderman 3d ward, r 
|S Hancock. 
eslie J, WI Helen, teller Merchants & Say Bank, r 541 W Washington avr.

Mis Mary W, r 21 W Gilinan. 
Toln W, wf Gertrude, driver Conklin & Sons, r 107 N Blair. 
Efrest B, wI i~llian, carp, r 1315 Eberhard ct 
W'z A, wks Vilas Park, r 1321 Drake. 
L.awrence H, wf Katherine, physicia  28 W  Muffin and medical is 
S, r 1704 Madison. 
lie James B, wf Agnes, express, r 1148 Jenlfer. 
|lle James B, wf Katherine B, driver Fuller & Johnson, r 1154 Jenifwr:.

lie Michael P, r 1154 Jenifer. 
[lIe Raymond R, r 1154 Jenlfer. 
hr   itm124                              Inesrtdsoooo 
         Houhebeid Goede Mev-k~ed-Sb .Paoked--Shdpod 
dle SdtowLage -      NEW FIRE PROOF            *aohldnoev Sta 
I5. Stor~age           WARrEHousE               Piam. Stg 
[lle Win B, wI Marie, cashier Heibel Bottling Co, r 947 B Johnso. 
Alexander A, wf Margaret T, r 2216 Corry. 
Miss F Irene, lino opr Democrat, r 404 W Washington av. 
Alex W, nurse St Mary's Hospital, r sae. 
aude L, wf Minnie, mngr Regal Oil-Gas Burner Co, nms 24 W* Doty. 
in H, pres Wis Brotherhood of Threshermen Ins Co, r outside city. 
ka Henry C, asst chf eng U W, r 206 N Orchard. 
w Walter C, Wf Anna, dept inngr Standard Oil Co, r 424 W Doty. 
Miss Helen S, r 217 N Brooks. 
Joh~n C, Wf LEmma 3, high sec Independent Order of Foresters, 
ovident Loa & Bldg Assn, r 739 E Gorhain. 
May F, wid Fred, r 217 N Brooks. 
Roy H, U S Army, r 217 N Brooks. 
a Miss Marie, cashier Fisk Rubber Co, r 405 Center p1. 
[iss Hazel K, stenog 1st Nat Bank, rms if5 W Wilson. 
'm A, wks C & N W, r 619 S Spooner. 
PFIT A ELLIS, wf Clara L, prnes First National Bank and office 8 W 
ifitn, r 113 W Washington av. 
Mrs Josephine, rms 527 Regent. 
    i   Conserve your ottice   orae, b dioatng yfour letes 
               orders arid monuoeand to thle Dl.aplm.. 
        Wiscnsin Offce Suppl Gempany 
        44       ahmte lg                         h. 961