F Herman A, clk, r 16 N Roby rd. 
f Rev John, mngr German dept StondalToftoy Co, r 2126 Dunning. 
F John, wf Dora, tmstr C F Cooley, r 1047 E Wilson. 
F John, wf Dora V, tmstr, r 1405 Monroe. 
f John P, wf Emma, motorman st ry, r 2249 Jackson. 
f Joseph R, wf Anna, elk P 0, r 13 S Mills. 
[FF, XKUBLY & HIRSIG (G F Wolff, V S Kubly Louis Hersig), h 
ware and sheet metal work, 401 W Gilman. 
F Miss Marie B, r 16 N Roby rd. 
E Michael, wf Bessie, bricklayer, r 1908 Railroad. 
Mrs Minnie, r 312 Breese Terrace. 
Mrs Minnie, r 315 N Murray. 
Miss Olive, elk Keeley-Neckerman, rms 509 W Dayton. 
f Peter M, wf Mary A, carp Fuller & Johnson, r 550 W Wilson. 
I Wilhelm, elk Wolff, Kubly & Hirsig, r 16 N Roby rd. 
Fe Frank, wf Mary, mach Gisholt Mach Co, r 701 W Main. 
ord (see Walford, also Wohlford). 
ord Cummings (col), housekpr Delta Kappa Epsilon, r 207 N Frances. 
'aci ought to be Investigated by those who are ick, or by these 
wuose dear ones are suffering from disease. 
           Consultation Free 
ed 8. Sawdey, Chiropractor 
218 St.te St. 
Iford Mrs Irene (col), cook Delta Kappa Epsilon, r 207 N Frances. 
ifram E C, gen mngr Badger State Shoe Co, r Watertown, Wis. 
ll Miss Tillie, maid 818 Prospect pl. 
iller C Win, wf Alice, wks Steinle T M Co, r 2135 E Washington av. 
ýller Miss Emma M, r 2017 E Washington av. 
ller Frank A, wf Alma M, mach Gisholt Mach Co, r 2019 E Washington av. 
)ller John A, wks Gisholt Mach Co, r 2017 E Washington av. 
'ler Paul A, wf Magdeline, mach Gisholt Mach Co, r 2019 E Washington av.

'Iley Miss Della L, elk Menges Pharmacies, r 418 W Johnson. 
Iley Miss Hilda, stenog U W, r 418 W Johnson. 
Iley Louisa, wid Henry, r 418 W Johnson. 
llin Miss Alice, r 325 W Doty. 
lln Henry F, wf Leopoldina, barber C S Mqng, r 325 W Doty. 
lirn Wm L, U S Army, r 325 W Doty. 
Ilshlager Herman G, elk Outlet Store, rms 141 8 Butler. 
lowie John P, engraver J A Buckmaster, r 209 E Miflitn. 
Iter (see Walter, and Waiters). 
man's Building, 238 W Gilman. 
man's Exchange, Mrs D A Crook mngr, 111 State. 
ug Charles (chinese), wks Sam Wong, r 1357 University av. 
access Shorthand School 
14 S.C.arrll