rJoseph, wf Veronica, baker, Piper Bros, r 1013 Chandler. 
Fr Jobeph A, driver Zllisch P M Co, r 1813 Chadler. 
r MissJosephine, r 428 N Warren. 
r  e, casting ma Catwell Pt Go, r 428 N Warren. 
eT, pres Capital_ Printing Co and tress The Parker Educational Co, 
Bsburg.        - 
hine S, wid C L, r 135 W Gilmian. 
sA, wid Nathaniel, r 808 lE Johnson. 
d Cottage, Miss Jehnnette Buller chaperon 433 N Warren. 
bristian, wf Carrie, r 414 S Dickinon 
Alice, wks Loriird Co, rins 18 N Paterson, 
orge B, instr U W, r 145 Iota t. 
Elizabeth, maid 418 Marston av. 
Kate C, r 204 S Hamilton. 
s 3, rZ"20 State. 
ealth Policy Willo payh 
Dahmen Sells Them. 
H,,_wf Elsie C, corn tray, r 409 Wisconsin av. 
Dorothy, r 81,3 Jenifer. 
iNK, wf Emm D, pres Brewer-Mosel Auto 'Co and treas Madison 
Co. r 812 Jenifer. 
kiNK W, wf Mary A, director Brewer-Mosel Auto Co. r 416 8 Uv- 
]R l~ilyector Brewer-Mdsel Auto Co, r 812 Jenifer. 
aJo- r,  12 Jenifer. 
tshp 1 Brewer-Mosel, r 416w S Paterson. 
~1naB, r 12 Langdon 
ROK CO, (lazry L Moseley, Berthold Sauthoff), books, station- 
liotographic and office supplies, 19 S Pinckney. 
~a I, wid 3 E, r 120 ,Landon. 
sF Carolina, 'thr IM High Seh, r 120 Londn. 
IALY L, wI Ada S (Moseley 110ok (2o), r 621 N Henry. 
I W, wI Ethel, corn tray, r 1813 Ray, 
el, wid W H, r 1813 Ray. 
ge G (col), wf Lucy, porter Hlook BErs, r 615 Clymer p1. 
LS (col),-wf Viola, barber 615 W Washington av, r 821 Milton. 
Madeline (col), r 615 Clymer p1.