iks John Piehi, r 1103 Gilsn (S M). 
)g L W Gay, r 418 W Johnson. 
himan Grain & P Co, r 1108 Gilson (S 
lile, wks Gisholt Math Co, r rear 228 A 
H Kiueter, r 1119 E Johnson. 
h Gisholt Mach Co. r Mills av 1st n of ] 
EHotel, r Mills av 1st n of Miller av. 
  rapy Treatment Re, 
nerits treated. Make life werth I 
peolallet In Medloal Bathe and Mae 
av 1st n of Miller av. 
1 41 N Lake. 
* Tracy & Kilgore, r 109 State. 
|Spaight.             * 
lants & Says Bank, r 923 Spatght. 
ent flnisher, r 726 Jenifer. 
1963 E Main. 
l]ub, r 109 State. 
Democrat, r 109 State. 
car,r1963 E    Man 
tate bank examiner, r 923 Spaight. 
E Gorham.