they point to England's mistake in hoping to avoid war and not
equipping an army 10 years ago. They say that unless German
military power is crushed by the crushing of the professional mili-
tary party all the world will be terrorized and that we must range
out effectively against this menace without delay or suffer ultimately
whatever the outcome of the present struggle may be.
  I think this opinion is practically universal here among thoughtful
men. They are saddened by it but regard it as practically certain
that we cannot escape; that the Germans will continue assassination
and incendiarism in the United States and will sooner or later de-
stroy more American travelers.
  British opinion has great and growing confidence in the President
himself but seems to show a doubt about the virility and courage
of American public opinion attributing to it a timidity arising from
failure to grasp the scope of the issues involved in the struggle and
the effect of its outcome on the United States.
                                         AMERICAN AMBASSADOR

123 P 14/48a: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Page)

                          WASHINGTON, October 25, 191,5-4 p. m.
  Rumors through representatives of the press that you intend to
resign have been brought to the attention of the President and have
been denied by him and by me. The rumors persist and are causing
both of us much anxiety although we can not believe them to have any
  In view of their repetition we thought it advisable to inform you
and to tell you how earnestly we hope that there is no foundation at
all for the setting afloat of such rumors. I trust that you can set our
minds at rest.

123 P 14/48a: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Page)

                                  WASHINGTON, October 29, 1915.
  The President and I are very much gratified with your personal
and confidential telegram October 26th,35 and are relieved to hear
that the rumors were entire fabrication. Your continued and helpful
service is greatly needed in London.


 3 Not found in Department files.