800                               INDEX

Rustem Bey (Turkish Ambassador to United States), departure, 68475

Schoen, Baron von (secretary of German Embassy at Washington), conduct,
Serbia, comments of U. S. Ambassador in Austria-Hungary, 640, 641-642, 649-
    651, 652-a53, 655, 661
Stone, Senator, 113, 221-222
Straus, Oscar, 119
Submarine warfare (see also Armament of merchant ships):
  Cases of attacks and sinkings:
    American ships, 381, 383, 384, 392-393, 395, 405, 422, 441-442, 445-446,
        465-466, 469, 486-487, 756-757
    Belligerent ships with Americans aboard, development of U. S. politly
        progress of negotiations, 365-382, 383-387, 388-404, 405, 406, 40611,
        413-416, 417-451, 453-465, 467-473, 474-486, 488-503, 504-535, 537-554,
        555, 559-560, 570-573, 573-576, 578
  Comments and observations of U. S. Ambassadors in Europe, 665, 672, 673,
      674, 675, 677, 678-679, 680, 687, 689, 690, 691, 696, 697, 703-706,
      755, 757, 777, 791
  Decoration of German submarine commander, reports concerning, 548-549,
      551, 560
  Modus vivenrdi between belligerents, proposed, discussions, 362-365, 412-413,
  Publication of German memorandum of Mar. 8, 1916, in United States, U.
      attitude, 535-537
  Retaliation, relation to neutral rights, 511-512, 514-515, 515-516, 516-517,
      519-520, 523, 528, 532, 554, 557-558
  Travel of U. S. citizens on belligerent and neutral ships, 345-347, 376,
      390, 397, 405, 406, 406-407, 412, 437, 438, 448-449, 462-463
  U-boat activities, reports concerning, 576, 577-579
  Unrestricted conduct, U. S.-German controversy, 532-533, 538-539, 540-543,
      545-546, 546547, 549, 552-559, 562, 563-565, 567-569, 574, 575, 580-582,
Submarines, sale to belligerents in sections, U. S. policy, 114-115
Supplying belligerent warships: By merchant ships, U. S. rules and attitude,
    115-116, 158-159, 160-161, 210-212, 213-216, 216-217; in neutral ports,
U. S.
    rules and attitude, 158-159, 160-161, 178-179
Reseed, attacked with Americans aboard, 537-554, 555, 559-560, 565-57, 686-687
Sweden, neutral conference proposal, 225-227
Switzerland: Comments of U. S. Ambassador in Italy, 752-753; peace sugges-
    tions, 22, 24, 597-599, 608

Tarnowski, Count Adam   (Austro-Hungarian Ambassador designate to United
    States), 596, 632-634
Thrasher, L. C. See Falaba.
Transfer of flag. See Transfer of German-owned merchant vessels.
Transfer of German-owned merchant vessels to American registry: British
    attitude, information concerning, 100, 101, 105, 106, 107, 108-109; French
    attitude, discussion as to, 105, 107, 108, 109; U. S. position, discussions
    cerning, 101-112
Transshipment of troops and war material across U. S. territory, 177
travel on belligerent ships. See uender U. S. citizens.
Turkey: Ambassador to United States, departure, 68-75; Armenian deporta-
    tions, 41, 42-43, 763, 765, 768-769, 772, 786; comments of U. S. Ambassadors
    in Europe, 641, 641-642, 646, 723-724, 725-726; financial and economic
    ditions, 771-772, 772-773, 785; food shortages, 779-780, 781-782, 786;
U. S.
    Ambassador, reports on conditions in Turkey and general war situation,
U-53, submarine operating off American coast, 576, 577-578
U. S. bankers, interest in loans to belligerents, 131, 132, 135, 136-144,
147, 148-