question of future conduct of submarine warfare for further dis-
cussion. Reciprocal desire for maintenance of good relations is ex-

865.857 An 2/95
           The Secretary of State to President Wilson

                               WASHINGTON, December 30, 1915.
  MY DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: I enclose a copy of a telegram which has
just been received from Vienna under date of the 29th.85 I assume
that by tomorrow or next day we will receive the full text of the note.
  From the summary given by Mr. Penfield it would seem as if the
Ancona case offered possibilities of solution.
      Faithfully yours,
                                              ROBERT LANSING

865.857 An 2/111i
           President Wilson to the Secretary of State

                          HOT SPRINGS, VA., 31 December, 1915.
  MY DEAR MR. SECRETARY: This does indeed afford us something
more than a ray of hope for a satisfactory settlement, and my mind
is, at any rate for the time being, much relieved.
      Faithfully Yours,
                                             WOODROW WILSON

Memorandum by the Secretary of State of a Conversation With the
       German Ambassador (Bernstorff), December 31, 1916

  The German Ambassador called upon me and handed me the
annexed paper, which is the substance of a telegram which he had
received from Berlin. He said that this did not complete his in-
structions in the matter as the telegram said-"to be continued."
  The Ambassador said that he appreciated this was going over the
ground which we had traversed many times, but he thought that
while his Government suggested arbitration he had received an
intimation that they would like to know the reasons why we were
unwilling to submit the case to arbitration. He added that he be-
lieved that his Government, if a fairly good case could be made out
against arbitration, would follow the course which had been adopted
apparently by Austria in their Ancona case.

U Supra.