All apartment houses in Berlin are closed at nine and lights in
halls extinguished. Theatres close at ten and cinos. There is want
of coal due to lack of transportation.
      Yours ever
                                               J. W. G[ERARD]

123 G 31/51h
The Ambassador in Germany (Gerard) to the Secretary of State

                                  BERLIN, January 9, 1917.
                                        [Received January 29.]
  MY DEAR MR. SECRETARY: Pursuant to orders I have been jollying
them here. Last Saturday the American Association of Commerce
and Trade gave me a banquet at the Hotel Adlon. Every place
possible was occupied and many distinguished and influential Ger-
mans were present. Such as Helfferich, Solf, Professor DelbrUck,
Dernburg, Gutmann, Gwinner, von Holtzendorff, Prince Isenburg,
Meyer Gerhardt, the Vice President of the Reichstag, etc., the pro-
prietors and editors of the best newspapers, etc. I enclose a list of
guests 81 but the menu adorned with my picture I do not send out of
modesty-besides, it is too large.
  Remarks, all I think "safe", were made by Mr. Wolf, head of the
association, Heliferich, von Gwinner, Zimmermann, (who came in
late) and me.
  Yesterday the Chancellor sent for me to congratulate me and thank
me. So you see orders are obeyed.
  I brought with me, or there has been sent me, about 370,000 marks
for charitable purposes-quite welcome.
  Of course the Pan German and anti Chancellor papers attacked
,the dinner. But it is my business to be with the Chancellor-whom I
like anyway.
  Our Consul received a letter from Belgians who say they are made
to work and are beaten with guns and badly treated in Germany.
  No chance at present of Germany either stating peace terms or
sending back the stolen Belgians.
  At Dr. Solf's house last Sunday night, a Duke of Mecklenburg
Schwerin (not the reigning one) tackled me quite offensively about
-the President and the sale of war supplies. It is hard to keep the
-temper but as this individual abused the Kaiser as well perhaps he is
not all there.

  Germany wants a peace conference in order to make a separate
peace, on good terms to them, with France and Russia. Then she

" Not printed.