424 University Tarm Plae 
                               1tanuary 29, 19~43 
Mr. Walter Scott 
State ConservatLon Deprtment 
Ut4dson, Wliscs 
Dear Valtert 
While I have not iaspected the railrad strip, I bave 
so doubt whatever about its value ast 
     a. Cover for quail, rabbit, pheasant, aad 
         other cover-deisndig species. 
     b, A refugae for prairie flora, provied 
         suitable parts are W.3'aed bt not 
         iaseid or planed to treet. 
I have no doubt whatever that 600 acres In a strip 
will be o  the aveRge of more value to wildlife thA 
600 sores In a block. 
Obviously most values would disappear If the strip were 
to revert to pasturing or plowing. 
I am not informed on questions of price, but on the 
question of fence miatence, it seems only fair for 
the Dpeirtment to take that over. 
                            Tours sincerely, 
                            Aldo Lop old 
                            Professor of Wildlife Management