June 5, 1936 
Dr. W. L. XMto 
h,,mR of Biologicatl Srve 
Wasington, n, 0 
Dear MeAtseo 
         I ha  a       yaester,  to 4s.ss with Prf. L R. 
preidet of the Soiety of merican Po rstwr, the feasbility of can- 
bininb with th Journal of Forestr as a t*Mn1 outlet for the 
Societ of Wild2ife Manaers. 
         We arrived at these oia   onst  ast of our mabemr could 
not q   lwai  as uher3 of the Soiety of Amric n        rstevu. Henc they

ould      t                    tth Joural. Tese cost $4.00, 
Ass=ln   that ve     p   i      own jurr   for ".00 and get a lot 
more spae in so doi, the proset of co    ning with the Josrnai of 
Yorestry does not ook vey attrtive. 
         o       , we      have to farish or own editor tfr f ur 
own department, .214 ther are possibiities of crossing wie with then 
reguar editors. Moreover, therew mild be techaloic- papers nt parti- 
cularl~y raitable for other snpectaiised 3onrnals but nt the setime 
havig nothing to do with forestr, Profeeser           and I both con 
cluded that the proets wore slim. 
         I have been thinking over Gag's sugresion for using the 
Game Brooder &  rtn. However, this is a     irtec-nical paer ad 
e 4lros4 have suc an =tlet In American. Wildlife. The hiatus $*em 
distinctly to oxig in the technical rather thanu In the nontechnica 
or aed-esi-icat field. 
         I s  sending a eopy of this to Gwng. 
                              Yors sieel, 
                                     Aldo L.eopl 
                              Professor of GameUngmn