Soatexet of 00" 
Madson, Wiscomnl 
D~r Mr. Ortme 
        In v     reernoe to the r*Osi,  u.& t  *    W   , 4th 
I ga to you ll dead birds bmgt to the Uniersity in r           to Wr 
no  stoy of Nob    14, a  i r     o to the lttes I hawe set t 
couny aents a            maM s taM that the Depatmet wshe to msa - 
the einmJa ti of thi Mateial. 
        am Univrsity does not eon**   that the weathe'-ldllI bird* 
bth~t to th  university by its aim &gets mad p*s4d up bW ~Wter 0&

their own landto Isubject to dispsition by the Dea~wt     Rawver cat 
of courtsytoqt the Departaot wA in orde to snoona     W....V*t iA the 
out ri~pplig or own m eerh     V e also wish to invite your staff to use

sah facilities as we haew ean they may no" Vrp  y lo .eIami  material

collecte by the Department. 
        Our plea calls for the oxinstion of eac dead bird for: 
        (1) SaM*~Z       Oontratlionl of HavR5' ,stuy started last 
             (2)AgsRjAUWSj&U(by sap. of pwtrima~i). 
        (3) BigVM        oastimation of ~Iringto's std Uv in 
               199,aotiuAyealy -ve sine*. 
          and stfin    oos 
        (5) 12t  10   1     frm or*L5 sand rixsrds to tost theor 
                of irs yin  fomlack of grit. Contiution of b"ington'
            stad of this vbjeoat 
        (T) 191LOta        Lga11tAM&by means of bowe mmare- 
(9) Rong *=aiatio for pa~e~a. 
Tobraa27 17. 1936