North 1, 19-5 
Dr. Dy. Itorm 
I w as em*tsI m   tht I cotim to a bs   of t Iho omittos 
on As, but of     I a   Wlm laIeweI.4. 
A s     lbs thear pap  mImoi In your lettewr, I Mk the oice 
11"      OM   &M Et   .  N moms for, tms betr 
thas the Tox md OoldmaR "It book &re waline in lbo attlhe  wml.

I CiMt) a     m wol s* O a *istoral st u l V  t notsan 
Ed G*a'el book Is setea  imprtoas, em I hw  weime It favowqlti3, 
but it it p,*hs ls direst) eowra.  with widlife ssM~meal te 
b      s b   I   of  m, Ms..6 In So   us m*#, bt to vI 
uMad his book Is Uho best of tbs four, em .3o*. In mW oiin  hb 
of xWeU , pu blication ftrin tho yow, 
                          ftofor of Wlltfe Magmsat 
P.S. I wat to someato Dra   A.aI sIoa Fox Swquirl M4ians 
h1oh in qW Iopiio Is on. of lb. outtandin~g pubileatione of the, ym~r, 
I mswld Mto to wq w*tc is th. Uetteoyi o        or Allen's 
rose      ret to "y s f tin abolut R"uttst  mtIie Ctlfn    ! 
The Voost slo xav~l all pieturoo tbl Iteeso* to as cut of the ruig 
Re bas a let of good sidf on *hieono bat h* was nt alloweto& as  t ItInto
this I0" 