,- . -4 
                            La Salle Hotel 
                          CHICAGO 2. ILIUNOIS 
Dr. Aldo Leopold                   July 2nd,1945 
         ~eturnin to b!Iologtcal considerations in the oadloss Area of 
the !uperior ;zatxond :oroL .vido usa of tho airplina wouid have far 
reohin   dDtr1ntiL effects. Tae rock ribbed glaciated lakes f urnlsh 
reasonably 6003 -k;Q n. to tho occasionl wilderniess canoe party btt they

v.LL not stand in.ivo fishing suon as per:    nt resorts or r0gzlar 
trips in by airpne ":oild present bacause t. prolactive sopacity of

tAeir waters is very aucil !oier than If4 kees lylng in better eoll fvarthir

south. Tnerefora, if te airplana viere allowed to do unchockod it Aould 
be only a very fow years boeore the fishinS incentive would no lon.ýer

exist.   ,aj airoisne vodtd de:troy its oin usefullness as a iaeans of 
roach14& tha former wilderness fishing. 
        There is uo question in my mind but that in t'a4 broad picture, 
everyone .illi 2oje--ovon includiia tne airplu-ne ba;inosa--unloss they 
ara barred from tais territory. 
                                   Ienneth A. >eid 
                                   Txecuitive 2irector 
CO; 3l+st~d 
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