World-wide Survey of the Incidence of Soil Erosion 
  Man has so misused the earth that serious soil erosion exists 
in many parts of the world, constituting a grave danger to human 
welfare. While there are many evidences that this erosion is 
widespread and continuing rapidly, there is no specific informa- 
tion on its extent. No measurement of world-wide man-caused 
erosion has ever been made. 
  The Foundation proposes, in collaboration with several organ- 
izations and agencies aware of this condition, to make a survey 
of the incidence, extent, character and rate of increase of man- 
accelerated soil erosion wherever it occurs. These participating 
agencies include the United Nations Food and Agriculture Or- 
ganization, the Pan American Union and various bureaus of the 
U. S. Department of Agriculture, all of which have aided in the 
planning of this project and are prepared to cooperate actively. 
   The objective of the survey is a comprehensive report supple- 
mented by authoritative maps. This information would identify 
critical man-made erosion areas, and could be used to focus 
national and international attention on the need for action. 
   The report would include: 
 1. A world map of soil erosion on a scale of 1:20-40 million. 
 2. A series of continental maps of soil erosion on a scale of 1:5-10 mil-

   lion or 1:15-20 million. 
 3. Statistical tables presenting information on the extent of areas sub-

   ject to various classes of erosion under present conditions of use. 
 4. Photographs illustrating erosion. 
 5. A report providing by country or similar significant sub-continental
