38 EAST 57TH STREET        *       NEw YORK 22, N. Y. 
                              H 4Z O RANDUM 
             TO  The Trustees of the Robert aI1srall Wilderness Fnd 
             From: George Mareball, Msaýer 
             Date: December 5, 1946 
             5ubjecti Mail Ballot of December 5, 1946 on Wilderness Society

    r have now heard from all of the Trustees in raeponse to the check sheet

    I sent out reýarding the manner in which we should handle the
    Society application and the time of the next meeting of the WiRlernesa

    All of the Trustees indicated that they should prefer holding the next

    Trustee's meeting sometime next spring. 
    All the Trustees indicated that,in the event the majority of the Trustees

    wish to defer holding the meeting until spring, they would fayor holding

    the mail ballot before the end of the year on 50% of the amount requested

    by the Wilderness Society, 
    Under comments, Irving Clark wrote: "Why not a mail ballot on the
    I have therefore made out the mail ballot in a fom,, that one may vote

    either for granting the full amount or half the amount requested at this

    time, or vote for some other amount, if any Trustee so wishes. 
    It is my personal view that if we plan to meet in spring, we had b eSt

    defer action on a pert of the wilderness Society appTliction so that
we may 
    have the op-oortunity of thoroughly considering the matter. However,
    don't think it makes too much difference which way we hendle it. 
    I shall communic-te with you further whmn I have had some indication
    the Wilderness Society as to wben It will hold its annual Teeting. 
rnV   t * meantime, ylease note that the eclosed mail b.llot must b. . retu
   by December 23'             _c