and oderl       eh  t all   matersT Sols e 
 225 Saath l~th Street 
 Phtladelhia, PmnqWlvnts. 
 Dear ;4r. Thoiass 
          1his 841mwledges Miss ZJeleiru's letter of Juily 22 and the 
 *expese check for $125, als to the Iweawae cert! 'fieate. T~ie htgt 
 an& orderly wa ~tn hIch yrou transact -al  these -Lattersr is vory g-raqtifying#

            m clad to hear that we wll ee yov in Now Yý   before we

 sail. I had otharwise excted to call on yu In Thilelphia. You do 
 not stite, howr, whare aM whe we will see you in Now York. I -fId 
 like to be sure that the~re willl be sa oppýortanlty to ceonslllt
!with youi, 
 oeseially abou-t -jls for the best use of my tine. I will leave here 
 Monday and ma be        at the Commos Club, Waiiiinton, Wednesdq. I will

 be In nad about New York T    am an df   , but have no defiite address.

 I would ..pnreclate ym~ let ting ms know here befoe 1!onMay or at the 0Co
 Club Wednesday wre I   aill look for you in N7ew YToi. 
          I epect to be abroad approximately four mnoths ad cinlt iu 
snt stretch it to more Vmn five boaumse of obligations here. I have not 
tried to build a adance shedule beoaue the tlaits I would like to look 
up are     zaerouz an  I feel unable to judge in Mv..ue wich are the most

feasible, they *an be looleev  ip, or how lonr it -ill ta.k 
          To give you so  sort of an idea of vaat I have in mind, I might

sitt the following exaleu' 
          (1) Population Cyles. Is there a popUation ycle in Gsm 
g    birds? If so, their lon records ougt to disclose it, One dos nt 
   ecuter it in the Gerum= literature, but the Scotch anc b~rgish literature

indicates the existence of a cycle, and the 3=os is true of Russia and 
Siberia.  If Gemn ge is colie, then it ta of great consequene to find 
out to wat dere it has affected the patice of game           t, The 
unoertainties attendant upon the cycle have tended to block the maw~ment

of ylic seies here. 
          (2) Predate Control. Controversies over predator control policy

are virtualy bloa&in prgess in this coutry. Germay is the principal 
country In hmrope vere one my find actual. e~mles of what might be called

the polic of mdation.     fples of indiscriainate ontrol are, of corse, 
found in all, hroean oositriee. It ought to be of value to contrast the