Delta, Manitoba 
                                                 Nov.14, 1947 
 Mr. T. Wallaoe 1aber 
 Assistant Secretary 
 The American Wildlife Institute 
 Investment Bldg. 
 Washin-ton, D. C. 
 Dear pallace: 
        Thank you for your letter of the 9th; I am goin7 ahead with 
 the photographs at o ce. I am hývin those on hand here Drinted 
 according, to your specifications and will complete the job with 
 Dr. Pirnie -o, as you know, hRs P large collection of Delta prints. 
 lince you said in your letter of Sept. 1 there wee no rush on the 
 prints and since Prof. Leopold su-,ested that the number might be 
 reruced, we had let this ride for the present. 
        I will also have the color plates down as soon as possible 
&ut, since you apparently are planning to go ahead with the engraving,

I am not letting them go until I am satisfied with them, 
        The charts and tables I am holdiln until the final manuscript 
is in order. The me has been revised so often --i new material 
added so frequently in the last year that I will have to rework some 
and there will be some new ones. 
       You fellows are getting way ahead of me on this publishing 
business. Let me give you some sort of an fdea where I stand on 
the ms. The copy you hPve has been considerably reworked since I sent 
it to you and there is still some revision to take care of before 
I can get a complete copy typed up for Dr. Rowan and Dr. Pirnie. 
Aftier they have gone over it there -ill be further revisions to 
encorporate before a final copy can be tyned for the publishers. I 
am sure it will take another three months. 
       I am rorry that the Delta bulletin, as you pointed out to 
  ofensor Leopold, has dragged. On- reason, however, is that it was 
anticipated too soon. The first draft of the me was drawn up kmi% 
two years before the work it covers was complated. Ever since two 
winters Pago I have been writing for a deadline which has never been 
more than a couple of hops away; now that we can see the endI am 
going to take it calmly and finish it when it is finished. Believe PC, 
it hasgn't  dragged for lack of effort.                      4° 
       Can you give me some of the details regarding the mam publisher 
of the Institutes choice. I have carried out business with the 
University of Minnesota Press through 9r. bell's office and If W     we 
are through with them,I want to let them know. Perhaps you will 
write Mr. Bell directly. In any event he -ill b- interested in having 
the details regarding the new publisher. 
       What Pre the plans regardinr the make-up of the bulletin-size, 
type of paper, cover,etc?