Noveber 10,19.3. 
WashAIngton, D.C. 
Dear Mr. Cahalanet 
                   Enlosed is a    pplicAon for       rship In the Wildlife

Society of Mr. 0,W.Oja. M. Oja is a gradmte of the Jw Yo* State College of

Worestry and he has had, an you rill note from his application, vrery little

forma traininr in wildlife -   . Te has, hoevpr, a trem-ndoiis interest in
wor and a much ~broade knorledre of it than the written record qwrnud Indicate.

                   Mr.OJa  n the Forester in char;'e of the H ingt   Forest,

a ly300 acre proprrty in the Mlirondacks, priwmily devotetd to the tineutirptio
wildlife. 7T-s pronerty Is the field station of the Rosevelt   i'-dlife Forest

-riln   4 Station. OJas -      there for the past five pars has demnstrated
uderstanding of wildlife problems and appreciation of the tnie n-aing of
cmonsrvation, 119, contacts withi the nuneo--is nat-iraltIits *,o have worked
thero- has 
enabled him to addmc to his training as9 a forester. "is plpns- at present
are to 
c   lete his agte's degree in wildlife mget during such periods of' lea 
as he is able to ta  frem te forest. 
                   I do nt hesitate to rownm him for merrshlp in the Sociýty

and hope tha't then societyý will find It possible to act favnrý,bT
on his3 application. 
                                                      Very truly ys, 
                                                      Rlph ?.7-np,,irector

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