424 University Farm Placo 
                                      September 19, 1941 
Mr. A. IF. Laidlaw 
Soil onsaervation Servico 
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 
Dear Ali 
The Wisconsin Conservation League is not affiliated with the 
National Wildlife Yederationj in fact it gm up as a successor 
toand competitor with, the more or lose defunct Wisconsin 
Wildlife Federation. As you surmise, the Lteage has about 
the same purpose, mainly to speak for the mxtmy divergent 
elements in the Conservation movement, but in my opinion it 
Is headed b better people, and hence is the preferable organ- 
isation to wock with. 
I take it that Mrs. (jaimby has been In Chippewa County. I 
think very highly of her, but I can foresee that the success 
of her county organisations will depend largely on what local 
citisens take them in hand, and what kind of a program is 
laid out. 
1 did not agree with the Liea  in their attack on Guldo Phr, 
and I thought their partisanship in th- reent row in the 
Conservation Department was a little too blanket. Other than 
this, I have found the Lagwevery good outfit which I do not 
hesitate to recommend tO you. 
                                 With best rsosrds, 