)424 Universit tars Place 
                                  June 13, 1938 
Prof. Rudolf )unni 
Universit of' Misert 
Columbia, Missouri 
        I m     you do not ept m   from m in anw 
to yo circular~ of hA. b1 
        To t my th  fr   mv  on i st   I aM 3 Is 
44miafloul and Is alrad before us. 
        As to pulcto sitanrd, I dut thik we can 40 
        As to Cst~tion 5, 1 th)ink we ba  our mana~te aad ca 
act by ourselves. 
        As to Civil Service gades   I conside them nt useful 
for rating purposs. 
        As to 0#1siton 5. 1 think we uan 1av. the we.atou1a 
ltsttin of schools to the Biological Survey aM use its list* for 
ansoering Inuris. 
Aldo Leopol