0 P T 
J&=yay 13, 1941 
Mr. Harold 0. Ai~erso 
609 American Seurity Building 
Washington, D. 0. 
iW dear Any: 
        It ha  tan a long time, but at last the   oebrt Mrarhll 
Wilderness Triut in in poesesion of the part of his estate which 
Bob left to it in his will, and has assigned nine tboand dollars 
to the Wildrnese Society for its use dring 1941. Of this, $250 
has been pai  into the Society tasur   today. 
        YTh Wilderness Trust hap also paid the Wilderness Society 
$4,200 with which to rpy the $4,000 loans made to it ia 1940 by 
the New York Trust Company and WO0 loaned by George Ma~rshall. Also 
it will pay the interest on the Trust 0euw   loan. To interest is 
charged n the Geores Mrshall loan. The Wilderness Society will pay 
these today. 
        The Wilderness Trust will itself repa the travelling expenses 
of its trustees to the organization meeting in Iew York City; and 
expenditures assimed at that meeting. None of the other applications 
me for shares in the wildenes behest were consiered within the 
terms of the will, but a contribution of $250 was made to the qa.tico- 
rperior Concil. 
        We held hayan exective c       ittee meeting nex week to 
conisider the activities of the year. 
                                      R. S. Yard 
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