     Your report as drafted is very well done. The appointment of 
"correspondents" in foreign countries is, to my way of thinking,
fine idea provided that these men are willing to take the time 
necessary to present abstracts or summaries of important works in 
their respective countries. 
     The publication of important foreign papers condensed and trans- 
lated in the Journal of Wildlife Management seems to me to be the most 
constructive work which we can accomplish in bringing to the minds of 
our membership sources of information in foreign lands which otherwise 
would not be available to them. Such abstracting service might, however,

become a rather large order, since it is my opinion that the future 
will see a tremendous increase in the number of foreign articles pub- 
lished. If the bibliographies of such papers are also included with the 
abstracts or translations, these references will stimulate correspondence

on the part of interested members with the authors of such papers. Once 
contacts of this kind are established they are easily maintained by the 
mutual interest of the correspondents. In this manner much can be done 
to enlarge and to increase the relationships between scientists of all 
                                Yours very truly, 
                                James W. Ioffett, In Charge 
                                Central Valley Fishery Investigations 
JYM: efg 
cc to Mr. Charles Elton 
      Mr. David A. Alyward 
      Mr. Daniel L. Leedy