Liberatig Dh* 
     At about fto Meeks of ago the YOM&Of01 al    *1* q o f. 
du*s, sn fly and sir bozdoL  Thoy~   tbeuOw pisood in *rate* 
a"  transprted to take arms ail** ftrm th hatebely tob 
r.1ea4,d Th. mrtes used are S x' :4 x ?** with a seU4 
*nooim bUtbi sad slatted tops and adsi . *   Wa ote* bolts 
four duos, thus permitting Wlo air and raem for "ams 
The birds are uamsliy released on the shoe sa lo1t .aomw 
open water for theislw. beinse the toathu' s tim  Uoomm 
ruvr1o  in transit to the releasin or*an em   noy t .saimotaly 
shed wato., The birds usually join wild floo.s invaately, 
Bandlag rwftms katw shewi that those artif i.Lally propagated 
huas hay. been sht ftm Saoatchin, Otse', and queb.. to 
Moxioe, They haew been r~pote4 take In fifteen states w4 
as far east as th Cheapeaek and as far' seuth as Lou~isixa 
The birds are ~trima apparently rewvet i-modately to the 
                                       February 5,, 1958 
                                       Ceell So IWjll~is 
                                       fiessitant Bi14ost