Aldo Leopold 
December 12, 1945 
        You will note from the Will that all appropriations of funds must

be made by the vote of three or more Trustees. Action on grants and other

matters of importance are made at meetings of the Trustees or through mail

ballots in accordance with a procedure which we have adopted as indicated

in the enclosed resolution on this subject. 
        Arrangements have been made with the New York Trust Company for it
accept "the authorization of three or more Trustees as the authority
act with respect to the purchase or sale of any securities,which approval

may be indicated by letter, cable, or telegram." 
        Please don't be appalled at all this red-tape, but let me know if

there are any matters which I have not clarified. 
        We are all very pleased that you are to be a Trustee of the Wilderness

                                             Sincerely yours, 
cn/rs                                          Manager 
uopwa 1 
P. S. If you would prefer receiving your Wilderness Fund mail at your 
       home, would you send us your home address?