- 11 - 
frt; o0f the ,nited St7tes, 
      This bd if survmy of the StAtttu  of threateed blrds in North Anmerioe,

And of s-om of thc, destructlvs n4 con.structive forces Operative durinv
est yeer# brI5 Ph,1uproly beforo u h            : ýht een--nd i hould--

y ur coittpe do about it? 
      Th-tre   n pe eri od4, sae four dce des e"o, h-n the A. 0. U,
probebly the wo~t ftfective bird protection organiz.tton in tho ,tm 
Sters. It originated the U. 0. BlolotjicI Surey end     v hving largely 
sired bird p)rototion In the United tate, it aei    to htas  Adoptcd the

Motto:  "Lp* Ueorge do it." W4ith,:,ut adeiga qu     tQni~to thtý

entire membershlp it -uull be Impos-ible to kno- h,; many uieuber1 t ý-e
-ctive inteert in Ioe~e7tie, bt it is Iernti      thit the nutr-ial 
proiortion It Vs ama?, A     coneerývtlo force the A. Q. U, he Prly

!ew  d to exist. 
     A     1 o lo-k basH over th - list of thretene bds--Condor, Ivory-bil,

  8Imo curlýý. T rumpeAer -a~n, ;,booping Crane?, (Great ýhite
HI-ron, ? ve~r- 
  gld.Kietfpkinr _       Bob- hite,  ttnrfow,,1O ,Ts ks4; "tca.,-it
IT, np- 
parent that viat these birds ref iair. is, first of ell,  f tvox'eble environ-

-nnt; seond, fr-dom from dliturbance by mn 
     't. a enies, in the United 2tatJ .nd CunedI, r3powblo for 'via 
conservetion ee t"irt of Ali thosý o, thý,ý G9xrernt;
De1artmunt of 
,     in, in  e t   .iologiaal turvy; U, .   nationial P r'ei 
,,. S.* Foet8fie     n  tt    iýh iend iu osia~ons. The wi.aaor