2-Robert F. Griggs-3/9/45 
     L. L. Schroeder - State Commissioner of Aeronautics, St. Paul, 
Perhaps you will feel that the nomination of Messrs. wilson and Schroeder

is out of order since they are employees of the State of Minnesota. My 
suggestion of Mr. Wilson arises from the fact that he is reputed to be a

competent law;Nyer and is fairly familiar with the various phases of the

problems in the northern part of that State. I do not know Mr. Schroeder

and my inclusion of his name is solely on account of his official position

as Commissioner of Aeronautics. 
It has occurred to me that it might be desirable to bring in the Canadians,

either officially or otherwise. If so, I am sure that our Washington Office

can suggest some names# 
                                  Very truly yours, 
                                  (JAY.H. P16C14 
                                  k gional\For'ester