FREDERIC C. WALCOTT                                                     
        T. E. DOREMUS 
   F. B. DAVIS, JR.                                                     
       C. R. GUTERMUTH 
   Vice-Presiden               AMERICAN      /ILDLIFE INSTITUTE         
                                  Incorporated in District of Columbia, July
22, 1935 
                               INVESTMENT BUILDING, WASHINGTON 5, D. C. 
                                                         April 30, 1946 
              Dr. Aldo Leopold 
              University of Wisconsin 
              College of Agriculture 
              424 University Farm Place 
              Madison 5, Wisconsin 
              Dear Doctor Leopoldt 
                              Thanks for your reply of April 19 and for your
              that a rotating system of the Conference program merits consideration.

              I do not have any definite ideas on how such a rotation plan
can be 
              effectuated but do believe that we should endeavor to inaugurate
a pro- 
              cedure that will tend to stabilize the programs for the annual
              Many of the research workers seem to think that they should
              in the program and keep their name before the public, even
though they 
              may not have worthwhile accomplishments to report. If these
men had 
              positive assurance that the subject in which they are engaged
or interested 
              was to come up at regular intervals, then they would strive
to make a real 
              showing at the time that the topic was featured. 
                              A certain group of enthusiasts feel that their
pet subject 
              should be emphasised in each annual meeting, and we might be
able to sat- 
              isfy those people with an established rotation system. 
                              Several of the members of the Wildlife Society
are giving 
              serious consideration to this proposal and it may be that some
type of 
              modus operandi will be suggested. 
                              Shortly after the Bleventh Conference adjourned
the Wildlife 
              Society appointed Mr. William Howard to represent the Society
as Program 
              Chairman of the Technical Sessions. Mr. Howard was formerly
              with the Fish and Wildlife Service in the Pittman-Robertson
Division. He 
              is now in Washington in the Department of Agriculture. Mr.
Howard is well 
              known to many of the Fish and Game folk and he has the desired
              Dr. Graham and Lloyd Swift have agreed to assist him, and I
sincerely hope 
              that he will develop into a capable chairman. He has a lead
of several 
              months over previous chairmen and should have ample time to
work up the 
              finest kind of a program for next year. I am suggesting to
Mr. Howard 
              that he consider Mr. Hawkins as a session chairman and if this
man pro- 
              duces, we might get the Wildlife Society to appoint him as
the chairman 
              for 1948. Thanks for your suggestion and for the continued
                                                        Sincerely yours,
