Artificial Game Rearing Succeeds. 
    Maryland: M1aryland has reared quail successfully by using the 
electric incubator-brooder method developed by W. B. Colemen on the 
White Oak nTuail Farm near Richmond, Va. Recent legislation stops the 
use. of purse and buck nets this fall, and plans are under way to hold 
all yotu'. trout until the are about 8" long. An effort to further 
restrict the taking of black bass for commercial purposes failed, and 
for two -ears more Idaryland's waters will be gutted for the market. 
    IMassachusetts: Massachusetts has demonstrated the success of the 
incubator-Trcoder method of rearing quail and ringneck pheasants. 
Sentiment for public fishing waters and hunting grounds has crystal- 
lized, and the prospects for getting funds to inaugurate the program 
without 6,elay are excellent. An attempt to encourage shooting clubs 
to rear game failed, largely because the sportsmen did not seem to 
understand that it would be to their advantage because the plan 
contemplated that the clubs might kill only 60% of the game stocked. 
    Iichhii'an: You heard a great deal about M1ichigan's fine progress 
yesterda:y. The game and fish research activities there are of the 
utmost importance. There has been a marked increase in the game 
refuge and public hunting grounds lands, but this phase of the work 
must not be pormitted to lag, 
               Gopher State Leads Way in Restoration 
    Minnesota: Minnesota has just adopted a new game program, 
includtnn thhe commission plan of administration, One of the big 
accomplishments of the Gopher State is the restoration of Thief Lake 
an area of 14,000 acres which was drained fifteen years ago at a cost 
of $l,0O0,OOO.  The state will spend about k00,000 to restore the 
area, which will bring back one of the greatest waterfowl 
producing areas in the country. This is the first big undertaking of 
its kind in any state, and it is hoped that other states will follow 
this fine example. 
          Most of the states are waitin- until the federal government 
can acquire the necessary waterfowl breedinC grounds, but this is a 
very short-si-hted policy. Unless the government appropriates far 
more money its refuge program will not catch up with the requirements 
for many years. And whero will our duck supply be in the meantime? 
    Mlississippi: The only state without a game department is 
Mississippi. The chaotic situation in the last session of the legis- 
lature d6feated a splendid bill, and Mississippi sportsmen must wait 
two years longer for relief. Systematic robbing of quail stock has 
put the sportsmen of that state on their toes, and the next seesion of 
the legislature will no doubt bring the last of the forty-eight states 
into the -old. 
    Missouri: Another determined effort is being made to place 
Missouri's game work under the jurisdiction of a non-partisan commis- 
sion, and' to give that body badly needed regulatory powers. The 
prospects. The prospects for favorable action are excellent.