You have raised sox* question with respect to the revision 
 of Article I, Section 2, dealing with the objectives of the Society. 
 In's paragraph numbered three, you indicate that we might find 
 a better word than clash". My own feeling is that this word fol- 
 lows rather closely the thought expressed by Mrshall in the original 
 draft and preserved some of the vo    of his language. I rather like 
 Aldo's proposal number three, andIf he has no further suggestion, 
 will present his present wording to the Council as the proposal of 
 the Committee with yourself as dissenting. I anticipte consider- 
 able discussion over these objectives at the meeting of the Council 
 and my agreement with Leopold will do no more than get it before the 
      Similarly, in the absence of a ooun~er-suggestion from you 
 I am inclined to go along with Aldo on his objective (4). I tried 
 it out on one of our local memberswithout any comment one way or 
 the other on my part, and he thought that it was very expressive. 
 1n any event, by agreeing with Leopold on this wording we shall 
 have something concrete to present to the Council, and perhaps 
 by then you may have hit upon a word which will meet your present 
 critioism of the wording. 
      I am sending copies of this letter to Leopold, Marie, and 
 Zahniser. As soon as you and Leopold have time to pass upon the 
 further revisions and will advise =, I shall see that Howard has 
 the proper notification so that he may circularize the other mem- 
 bers of the Council in due time before the meeting. 
      With warm personal regards, I am 
                                      Sinoaepy yours, 
                                      Harvey Broome 
3730 North Broadway 
Knoxville 18, Tennessee