44 University Urn
Division of Willitfe M  e=nt                             Deoewbo 3, 1935

               Mr. B. W Carwtwright 
               rield Supervisor 
               Ducks Ulimited (Oa~ada) 
               winndp.g, cana"a 
               Dear Mr. Cartwriait: 
                        Thank you for your letter of November 4 and 
               the coments on the malla4. I stoppd at your office 
               on sW wv down Tuesday only to find It emty  Sorry to 
               have msed you and Mr. Raeholt, for I hed hed we 
               might go over the chan es you d~esire.& Will you send
               piectue back wi sugeotions or shall I   Le another 
                        Tour propos*l rmrding fInFi-          t   r 
               research at 7Ieltst is iteresting. .L-s yet I haven' t had
               obacos to talk with Professor Leopoldo however, and believe

               that I  y be better eq-ippaA to aaw  yo   question afte 
               we have had an opportunity to go over the mttw together. 
                        T am realljy sorry that I finally hnl to leve 
               Canada and will be glad to get back anet spring. It bas 
               been a real pleasure to hrve befo a-bse to se you from tim

               to time at Dlta ad I hope you will plan to sto over in 
               Madison if you are in the stat this wintr., 
                        With kin& rtrus 
                                          Yours very trulys 
R.L Albert Hohboi 