Hrold.,0; &nderson, of the District of Coluabia. 
Joh  S.  -MUn     of low York. in plaoe of Remond Uesekiah Torrey who dies.

Mrs. LM2 3OLM, of Ohio. 
rnzes-t Dikegrm. of Tennessee, in placo of Harvey 3roome, resigned. 
Mrs. 1lisabeth flint, of Montsna, in pkace of 1iere loch, resigned. 
TEM .ifeiles. of Jew MVxio. 
Mrs. C!ara 3I. SohlotshMr, of Arisona, in place of Fred Winn, resugned. 
Dr. Richard W. §Mith, of Georgia, and 
R. watuek, of Oregon. 
                  fRecmtive g   ittoe it Limit l 
The following were elected for the year 19-39: 
President                   Robert Sterling Yard 
Ties President              Penton MacTay 
Tresurer                    Harold C. Anderson 
12ecut iv Co   Mttee        The ab ove named and 
                            Dorothy Saches Jckson 
                            Ecotert Me~hforlha 
Council. the above nowes -rd 
                            L. A. Parrett 
                            Rarvey Broome 
                            TOT-na~rd 1?rank 
                            Irving M. Clark 
                            Aldo Leopold 
                            George Marshall 
                            Olaus Marie 
                            .Irnrest Oberholtwor 