owthot theseo3 1Li2%d! fr;om  to 5-0 "C c" Cotinv.       ½

t I thý:} 11 tn, foend  ~ omttee 0:2 As-hi.- o, 
OOUW;;y 2.I  oC I  M 'A ocp(I  or,  b'n.ry  ,,,  194I,  ,:u:  f'VorinrI 
the salo oP this ltnd to thoe stat-c 
* r  S,,ilt Do.iS~te  out the~22 Is a  i',.  'a~e~o 
in thG option expl,u .i'g ti't a C. L"   -.. has   ""  - 
tabi lhsCh. on c :.a nov.;h ""1IZ o ss 
if "--, ....- i..  .    of theo,, laneis" T1o. , or, 
he qtats3 tho pr-obi1..y"" of t-i otre bzrIg buit .I.8 Is 
S 'LT,.oi In I 1, Wle r I~ e atla'Peor~3 k;, 1ho the 
W 5.0OC,0,ia ry Iit an  the, othcr  -n3, ',h to to.r,., 
       £l-iAt* !f " ivd when they seall to uiý,     to

thi as se 
               va b~~n           y tble c 0 ii- 
..,2,io0x'r  r~lt3.rto the oeffects of a Do,,,;ei dzihm if 
  It cas movze by CoR 931r toat eerrova bz 
fx 0e11 to t.,e  u  o'  o. 4, 84 0 80. rCE', f ý m, the a   vc orAi"

  The~ m~tIOn wsa~ dully sc~oi-dec by orc:i~l Ynvd r. 
      pu~t ta     vvO ),U wtCtofl s 11 2,lid LO2. 
    L.. T ay   iz P   t R,,g         t rin -e o o C1 18 v.9 
nnd macs In 6on   otiorcon  ta the rep-.ort oa the .ee, 
-       odaI,, pt vuam''.71at  ont tai--t of the bu,6v'ct, 
of.e 2'16. 0.00l C.prov  for ,,inter,  &     of deer .1,16 
ei,.1n,,tures ai. of J3n.y    I, :1-91  ortad 
  111r, Lehcay lntromn.-rJ the commAsslon thvat fee,4ir". ha 
been done in ,-,,rvctceliy ell countiep In fo'rest Dr'otectlon 
            :.,e xoeption of the e~trere e.ster4.m count;e-P 
 .hero the       base e not as yet staxtar] to y,'-rC.  The food 
 h a betn .-,.!ched out -,. one nil' i.nrA sixty thou  t ' e' 
 of hey have beei', allotted to dat ,,eip.o 8.4. 000 nonids o04 
 concentreat,    He 'pcoi ted out thI' the feeding has bee., 
 done grtd lt     it b-ing the feeT.hng t flt ns the winte. 
 px-ogre-ased, the food won,] be ý  ,,.,, 
 Yn additlon to the ca       ý1in t  o- .o.. t o.rot-ctlor" 
 dlioeion who haa2 beenO,   vii-,2( "o         a 
                  1;'1vr  st-,'e'  I  ,  7CrxhA~   b ac n  e-xn.. 
pl,.ye, on a oerat bcais and, o3.h1; of the nren ofP the 
fotret    8te10;ion d...., h.-veo ron amslp-neri  on n ful].- 
V    o,,Is. bt,>z rIot -%te: by ,-r. LeoVny th     ey U  e 
        }½ V.c"' bi...   C.-  .   811  of  the  eft*vit1:es 
      wivn-.Me -tolth thor a-c.8 'VIon of  ,  arl v.r t .- or to, )o