bu w QV kno   lit7 ttle abo-ut thm 
         2, Bacterial &train& which owse thuhthe intestinal tract
of the 
birdse ad their relation to the soil. 
          3. lUlatioen V pauaites, that is bacterial parsites.    The  cni

phase -,f this whole proble might well be, oonsidered and not so much the

uteantlm~l one. With the C~owicil acting as a correlating eeuter we might
vir  much In this 'line, Researoh should confine itself to the research .of
   ecnoi field arid not to the sentimental sid-e, 
         Uhl~le research is necsssary', there Is -ofVtn no awney for It.
Wt, mV 
be forced to do) the beet we can uander the circmtwices, It seine that in
probabilit~ we shall be obliged befor, a great mar years t) really restrict

hunmters to a ver few forme like deer and quail, lAe do not think of .)urselvex

ona £ guide, phib-soptwr and friend ewcpt in oaces where other agenciss
dieposed to have us re-,wsent thin. Any function the Council may hax~t in
is only effective if that rulaticnship is quite agreeable to the parties
At this point Dr. Rhite xaked Major Wailer. ab ut where he tbought funds
be raised, and Major Railer msoddthat )ie felt .rrtain the flunds wonul 
    be orhcýrdngif the eoýmittaet were established, 
          ZV. ULI ;6- -ryn         -&W    MI     h aZA 
          I sh-il first discuss tihe point if view if ecolagists as I know
The ecologist is interested in the. pri=e7 biotic eounuitic-ss  Theýre
it no 
cozonitW where there are no useful tanmals. All of then are izcportant and