Excerpt from Executive Session - December 12, 1944 
7. Reopmme2ded reclassifications of nersonnel. 
     r. swift, Assistant Director, stated that it is his 
belief that when a vacancy exists that all the people 
in the next lower classification should be concidered 
as candidates for the promotion and that some new adequate 
and Patisfactory method should be devised in selecting 
the Person or persons best qualified for the position 
by one of two methods: 1) Examination, both written 
and oral, which could be conducted with or without the 
assistance of the Bureau of Personnel; and 2) Evaluation 
of the qualifications of all of the persons in that 
classification by a board or group of supervisory 
personnel in the department. 
     It was Mr. Swift's contention thiat when a few people 
are selected from a group and recommended for reclassi- 
fication It tended to make other people in that group 
feel that they were not given an even chance for pro- 
motion which leads to dissatisfaction and leaves with 
some the idea for advancement is dependent upon close 
personal relationship with one's superiors. 
     Both of the suggested methods, Mr. 'Swift stated, have 
 been tried, although the examinations were compiled and 
 given by the Bureau of Personnel. There are good and 
 bad points for each method but either is better than the 
 method being pursued. Oral examinations or interviews 
 are bel ieved essential in ordet that personalities might 
 be judged, for this is an important consideration par- 
 ticularly in any of the higher positions of the department. 
      The Director reported that it is practically Impossible 
 to desIgn a written examination to test all of the 
 attributes being sought and which are necessary to 
 satisfactorily fill the position in question. 
      After some discussion it was the consensus of the com- 
 mission that a uniform system should be used in the 
 selection of people for promo-ion throughout the divisions 
 of the department and it was understood that some method 
 should be formulated by the department that should be 
 adhered to and this recommended plan presented to the 
 commission for oonsideration at a subsequent meeting,