AwJut 29@1946 
To the. Colatoi Uers of '.lw V14Ofrnsse .3oslely: 
     I have reviouy xub~i.tte4 to yu my mpeions an         eamnt  *. ticus

an t   P      of the utico-3     or Coucl*       the etgptof 
simple reesjonlag and jud at an future r.eerstioma1 needs I honestl sumeot

see hw we oulEd quar   with %hot pr   m 
          But t haa ben  AfP ted that we ahould have a polley em the more

restricted proble     r   ades arma of Superior National Forest 14cently

there has been dis si of an artlcl by Chester WAlsm, Comuuluer of 
Coemservti  for A3nie.s, In ?he Cservatioe Vluteer, .          1946, 
which in 'titled OInst Ow ana  to ,Ave the (Lw tie-Spro 
fle etire article Is mok wortk headig mnis a esng plea fo          mdiate

actonm to  ve m   of the wilderness emane country o the c    1etisaprlor

regli.n specific aotio In probably swamrimA a three-poit poo 
Including (1) a bill to anthwlun the ¶inotarof Agriulure, t        utet

9. i. fovest, to acquire private land in the moeolea. nyvas of tho Superior

National. Forest. (2) a bill authorizng the exabaug of privet. leand within

the roaeseerees for gvemt       lmde outasi4  of those areas but within the

Jhipstead-Nale area. (3) a bill to provide for paytamt of adsquate 
ompensation by %he SW   mt to the wauntls in lise of taes lost 
goversent eAme  lan, 
     I believe that Mr, Wyilse's proposals InlmWd/th.e aasar oeaunts ia 
Any cosaeratics nrogro for this are that the Wldermez ý,ýeiety
support. The Zssk WeltoLeague with the cooperation of private ini3*vid- 
uale to stlroady doing wondorful work lnustt   lagtn  to buy private lauha,
and the uirplane problem esantitute the imadlete task before the WY.I10erns

sýosiety aMd any other laterseted *oasorvatlem aFvnelasa 11 whatever
axttat the 
3tate of Plinusota, the National (ýavermnst, ar ay other orgaizaticams
individuals embie to meet the         as outlimed by t, '4wla, they 
deserv the heaty           emmmato and cooperation of TAhe 'oildorss Oswiety.

He )mow of aoxae that there have bo differenes of opini   om the overll 
progrm ina the powt,, but we comt affor t*    l~ine ~undl em past disapoit-

mets or   iffe reomn Let us evuate the situation an we find it now, with

due rngar to the future needs as th    are mow uoldg bear* us and whole-

hearsodly m~or   aneffors by any aginlos that tend in thpe right ir~estiem.

The 3eor Roadlesa    r, with its        eof private ho.iag an airlnao 
th~a$, shoul probably cmfirst em our ageaf and I em gla        to see that
we have the s     of the ýXats of 14  ete in     w           of 
local          8l.ties* 
     AS for the throe speulfic recoeadatiema of Tor. 4asm. a bill for the

pucase of private lads waul  s    temo be the most cruial. A   bill for the

exchanging of lmaL would okem wuaer the, sme caeoy     tog*aem     shoulL
taken by the Forest Jer   in a       it wesly  The uestiam at reimburse-

meats of cotites is a bra one that has ntimnwide imlicatioms ai         
a diffeult en  to get thr    og  sa   I doubt iS v of us would be opped 
to such a meas   bat we must recgnie its mnifold rtifatiems and perhaps 
we eannot expt its eary pew.      At  V rate, I wold areglý reommad

that the illiermas Sociely take an ative part in the moe to sa'v, the roadlass

  araof the Juperlor National Vorens, in full. cooperation with the Jutet
MAinnsota sand other agewies.n 