0", enda yet j thek p jpulettee shows only a mo4.watt gaia. It is still
  by an that wor strisgont messur  shold4 be adopt" to Inure the "eturn
je~ator numbert of ftat to tb* norher nostixg g~vuna, Roasnt investlgstift

rtaietste that eftehod and eeuvesbesks iieve modo satisfactor progese, 4ltko

they .t411 desere special almties. 
     Th Atlantis brint has maeE*.gratifying Inrases but eootimued feed. short&#

.tiU  westrte tt I nubers, hl. gesa alon   the United lotato. .eat is in
plae&s in better aeondtties than for severa year but so a whsl it is
still far 
belo uomal.. 
     Zze~liqst progweina has beos mado to roeeevir sad placing uud~ prteties

sr*&e important fow the welfare of bird# T* white boro  refugs I&
laidew4 3W 
Uee bees .etabiisbo cad iemn    al ntaledi. A ver excellent orin, the Aineas

Miitgoby Wetewfol Rofug   on the Toma beost, was steffe 54t about the time
            With nearby Audubon Society refuges,, it 
the last ADUnetis.M 0tattse several. spoeis of birds ropidiy beewmia eawe.

Awn   thoe. awe the whoping si~ne, roesete epoobill, re~dieb qeaot, whit*-tailoM

kite, Auuboa earaam, v~ w lu4 o*q, enL 1esg-bill4 curlws, Nlumeros ether
have boon eeL~ to the Bioloical~ Purvy refe system but bsoouse -f' ehortagot

t~s44 haes not yet bees given ftdeqete preteeoties, Utesion. of Oleeiew Boy
tiosnal. Vonat b7 a viuites sero. has pwovided Wade saetae7 to outawetis

soeh*ad e waeter birt*e 1ývlv iciesla  stros in coastal Texas, over
who so lega 
proteatios tbad pr~viously lbees exeret eeL, we" l.eae sand ?stwele
 by the UWM 
tionel Aaeoeietion of Au4.boa Sooteti... T.esa Proar aer tuportaut for asoth
tio  of a variety of raer or vanishing opeU.,s Ybe Associetioa also was isstu-

sesttl im .emcrin the establIshmott by the Etate of ?lorid., of five leportest

bird vioting etactuaries in that 9State. 
     Mlention Moeuld be ad4.4 of spoe44 measures toene to assist tooting