Ry 22, 1945. 
Dear ,llOV OCK  . iU * 
                     A.g you~ knw, our grand old man Bob Yard has left us.

 He ied on W.y 17. Nis spa was ftll - both in ~~as and in things acm*- 
 pli;edl his sevice to prieal Amerca is nw n  ar of the coutry's history,

 and hit ktiny buma presence will abid with us and ceer us on in the big

 ork to *hieh he gae a life's dev.ttio. 
                     It now devolves on me, a" Vice-resident, to funOtion

pro tem as the hea of the scety. It is a sad yet inspiring   uty. We arse

faoed in our hube wy with a major pablis problea. this is part an  panel

of that remolding of affairs ieh for good or ill to making its start in the

critical mnths that lie Imeiately before us. Toda is a tumring point in a

ripeing mancal ae. A new W        of life In in the  king whereof the elf-

moats are many. Amag these li. alememts is that of bmum evironamet - and

a vital part of this to the wilderness environsmt. To preser     develop

this pr   l Iaflue, as a heeltbfml balance wheel in a ma       o tren, 
ecostitutes, as I see it, the one pa.rtialar role of or little 6rgantation.

                     Now to pocoeed In carying out this role cals now for

the best comosite thin~ciDg of the sevral Couniwllors having present charge

of the Society's affairs. T this an  ae needd the Ideas of each    rotllow

thereby to formlate and     te a uified an  teluing line of action. Alrea

Irnest Griffith, or devotod worker, has, as Acting Chaiman of the zective

Comittee, in his letter to us of March 28, caled for sem individual expressio

on at least one problem before the Society. haie not had the opportuity of

reding the replies to this letter, but I take this oc ion to snd you here-

with a opy of m own reply, dated April 25, Whc takes up generul policy. Your

Ides hereon, If nt already covered inx yu rply to Grfth, are vitally 
needed as a baste for dismsssion when we can get together. 
                      This brings up the matter of our 'lamal meeting".
meeting of the Ostiillors Is of oourse neede at the earliest practicable
Auide from policy matters above refered to, now officern mt be slectd. Two

offies are now vant -the pemnt Presient and the permat Oeeretaz7. 
sincer as for the present away from Wa.shington, I am asking if your will
inform Erest Griffith mhat perio there m  be urin whith you could be in 
tshington so that a date m  be set f r a meetitug i that ctty. 
                                                Sincerely yours, 
                                                3ZRTN MWACEU, Acting Pros.