Bird Art Exhibit 
    During the entire meeting a Bird Art Exhibit will be held in the University

Galleries in Northrop Auditorium. 
    The University Galleries have been cooperating with the Wilson Ornithological

Club's Special Committee for the 194o Bird Art Exhibit in obtaining and arranging

this display of art pieces. Material representing all the well-known bird
will be seen here. 
    The Special Committee consists of the following members: 
                      George Miksch Sutton, Chairman 
       Roger T. Peterson, Walter J. Breckenridge, Mrs. Ruth E. Lawrence 
    The Headquarters of this meeting are in the new Minnesota Museum of 
Natural History, located on the Main Campus of the University of Minnesota.
Museum was formally opened in September of this year. 
    Adjoining the Museum is the new building known as the "Center for
tinuation Study" which includes living and dining quarters. This building
placed at the disposal of the Wilson Ornithological Club for the duration
of its 
meeting. The Center is connected with the Museum by an underground passage

and provided with a large underground garage available to the Club. 
        The Officers of the Wilson Ornithological Club 
President, LAWRENCE E. HICKS, Ohio Wildlife Research Station, Ohio State
           versity, Columbus, Ohio. 
1st Vice-President, GEORGE MIKSCH SuTroN, Laboratory of Ornithology, Cornell

           University, Ithaca, New York. 
2nd Vice-President, S. CHARLES KENDEIGH, University of Illinois, Champaign,

Secretary, OLIN SEWALL PETTINGILL, JR., Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota.

Treasurer, GUSTAV SWANSON, University Farm, St. Paul, Minnesota. 
Editor of "The Wilson Bulletin," JOSSELYN VAN TYNE, Museum of Zoology,
           Arbor, Michigan. 
    MAURICE BROOKS, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia.

    MILES D. PIRNIE, W. K. Kellogg Bird Sanctuary, Battle Creek, Michigan.

    LAWRENCE H. WALKINSHAW, Battle Creek, Michigan. 
                             Program Committee 
                   OLIN SEWALL PEMrrNGILL, JR., Chairman. 
                        Endowment Fund Committee 
                        GUSTAV SWANSON, Chairman 
                           Membership Committee 
                     BURT L. MONROE, General Chairman. 
                       Wildlife Conservation Committee 
                         MILES D. PIRNIE, Chairman 
                       Committee on Affiliated Societies 
                         MAURICE BROOKS, Chairman. 
                             Index Committee 
                      THOMAS D. HINSHAW, Chairman. 
                            Library Committee 
                          J. VAN TYNE, Chairman. 
                          The Local Committee 
  Miss Lulu May Aler   THOMAS S. ROBERTS, Chairman    Cyril W. Plattes 
  W. J. Breckenridge       William Kilgore            Gustav Swanson 
  Arnold B. Erickson       Mrs. Ruth E. Lawrence      Milton P. Thompson

  Mrs. David B. Green      Mrs. G. R. Magney          Mrs. Rollo H. Wells
