1532 Utiversity Are.

                                                     March 6 1936 
 Mr, Ray Steele 
 Upper Mississippi  ldlife Refag 
 Pederal hui14izg 
 Winona, Minnomta 
 Dear Ray- 
          You will probably recall our past onvertations on the poss- 
 bilities of game resarch, particularly waterfowl, on the Upper Msiits- 
 sippi Reue. 
          I now have in my office Mr. H. L. Grant, who has been working 
on reds work with Mr. Chales S. Cook of the Bloloeloal 3urvey on mrs.h 
restoration in Worth Dakota. He has no undergraduate biological education,

but nvertheless wishes to do %ome studytin  in game         t to qualify

him for the Junior Wage     aWer enination. He wishes to work with me 
here, but as you k   ,ow, I have so far 4eveloped no failities for waterfowl

researc, and in av event -otld take him only as a      teial stadent, since

our regula~r work is all post-graduate, 
          Mr. Grant's eage ralses the qaestion of whether some kind of 
mutually advantageous seta eanot be arranred as between the Uppr 
Mississippi Refuge and the University of Wisconsin. For exmle, if you 
have or if pu could goet for yoar staff a thoroutly competent rsoearch 
man who coald be given soae kind of faonlty standi  at the University, 
then it might be possible for a smll group of stmuents carsied, let us 
sqt, on a nominal slary, to do a lot of  e     h on the refug* under 
this man's direction, and to interlard this practical field expeience 
with at least a ma    aount of course work at the University. 9udh a 
tet-u would then give me at least an advisory relationship to sach work.

Te benefit to the U.S.BS. would be an output of trained men.T e benefit 
to the Upper Mississippi Refuge woulA be to get a certain amout of work 
doe and presmably problems answered. 1he bwefit to the University 
would be obvious. 
          I am not proposing, of course, that such a set-up be made to 
take care of Mr. Grant. It is simply that his predicsent raises the 
question in my mind. I m quite sure that Gabrielson and Slyer would play

ball with such an idea. Ie twle thing, woul deend. of course, on the 
quality of the researc  supervisor. Have you by any cance mich a man 
your staff now? If not, I would not be surprised if we might have fairly

easy sledding in Washington to get one provided the requisite timber exists

to fill such a pla*. This would be, in effect, the U...B.S. XzPerimontal

Station# which you have froquantly talked about.